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Editor's Note: You ever wondered what mambo dancers will be like when your old and retired. Well Jai tells us of one experience that gave him a peek of what his future might be like. - Manny Siverio Go
easy on him Bea
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Directly below:
I recently had the pleasure of performing at the wonderful, and luxurious Goldcoast Ballroom in Coconut Creek, Florida. Home to the retired, but hospitable to all that grace their dance floor. Candy and I were well received there and after we socially danced, many of the regulars came over to congratulate us on a job well done as they enlightened us of the many dance stories they experienced at places that no longer exist. One after another they came over to give us a taste of the mambo past and the vision of whats to come. It wasnt until one of the ladies there took me by my wrist and walked me on the other side of the 3000 square foot ballroom, and put me face to face with a lady named Bea, who danced at places like the Palladium, that I realized I was about to be enlightened. I never asked to
dance with Bea and it sure didnt look like she asked or even wanted to
dance with me at first. Neither
one of us knew each other but this lady that took me by the wrist swore that
Bea moved similarly to Candy. This
lady took both Bea and myself and positioned us on the dance floor.
We looked at each other without even knowing who the other one was,
and to save face both Bea and I danced.
Right from the start I knew something was about to happen.
I gave Bea a CBL (editor's note: Cross Body Lead) and 25 people or so
stood up and walked over to where Bea and I were dancing. I gave Bea a single right turn and 6 or 7 couples stopped
dancing and turned around to watch
us. I gave her a double and the
crowed gasped and then I knew it was on.
Our confusion of each other turned to wonder as I did a double right
turn and she screamed out Woh!!! The
crowd cheered
So I figured if the crowd wants a show then a show is what
the crowd will get and Bea got to work on them too. Turn pattern after turn pattern we danced as sweat was
forming from us both. I felt
the need to do shines as the song was nearing the end so I could see what
she had to offer the eagerly anticipating crowd as well as myself.
I started off with something simple
like a Suzy Q chord to see if she could hang.
She jumped straight back on Photos on page - directly above:Jai and Candy doing their Guys and Dolls Number at David Melendez's Starlite Caterers in the Bronx Bea and I finished our dance with a traditional dip, a hug, and then a kiss as we parted ways. The crowd congratulated us both and I went back to thank the lady who took me to Bea but she had disappeared into the mix of people. I never got a chance to speak to Bea or the lady who brought me to her after my dance down mambo lane, but I no longer wonder where I will be, or what I will be doing if God keeps me around another 40 or 50 years. I cant help but feel that the scene that I know today is not as different, but rather more similar than I could ever imagine. Sure the dance has changed a bit, the turn patterns are faster and more complicated, the shines are more syncopated and complex, the music is more technologically defined, they sold it as mambo we sell it as salsa, the people have come and gone but the essence of everyones passion and desire to be part of the dance, no matter how big or small, is exactly the same. I guess you can say Bea schooled me that day but the ironic thing is that her invaluable lesson never said a word Click here for more info on Jai & Candy's Dance Studio. Click here for their listing in the Directory of Mambo Performers.
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