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SalsaNewYork Reviewed Instructor:
Instructor Stats:
Negley |
Please Note: David Negley is currently not teaching. This page is for file purposes only. Compiled by Manny Siverio INSTRUCTOR
REVIEW I had the pleasure of knowing David as far back as 1995
when we both got involved in the NY mambo dance scene. He has studied with
such well known mambo instructors as Jimmy Anton,
Eddie Torres and Nelson
Flores. He has traveled to California and performed as part of Jimmy
Antons Student dance group and later in NY formed part of Nelson Flores
Student Dance Company. He also performed as part of Curvas Peligrosas
at the 1st NY Congreso de la Salsa in 1999. Overall I would
have to say that the mambo scene has been very good to David. Not only has
it given him an artistic outlet for him to enjoy, but he met and married
his wife Lillian because of it. In
1999, David was asked to assist NY mambo instructor Addie
Diaz to teach her weekly mambo class in NYC. David taught alongside
Addie for almost 3 years until she decided to pass on the reins of the
class over to him. He is one of the few mambo instructors I know out there
today who can say that they served an internship of training before
being qualified to teach out their on their own. Today he continues to teach
his mambo class with his wife Lillian. I recently had the opportunity
to visit them while gathering material for a documentary I was working on. David teaches his
class with his wife Lillian. One of
the things I like most about the class is that its not overly crowded.
David takes pride in what he does. Most students (especially those
beginners just walking into the class) will not feel lost in the shuffle.
Much personalized attention is given as often as possible. The married
couple divide their students into beginner and advanced
beginner/intermediate. Lillian oversees the raw beginner section, while
David takes on the advanced beginner/intermediate section. As with most NY
Mambo classes, the first half of the session is dedicated to open floor
shines. Several of the older floor shines are first reviewed by David and
done to the verbal count of the clave, followed by music. During this
time, David will stop to correct, answer questions and provide pointers
for each shine. He likes to encourage his students to ask questions so
that he can help them through any stumbling block they may be stuck on. As
the class progresses through the material, the shines are gradually tied
together to form a mini-routine. Students begin by executing one or two
shines in a back-to-back manner (without doing a basic step in between)
and before they know it theyre running through an entire chain of 6-10
shines. As with individual shines, the mini-routine is executed first to
his verbal count and then later to music. He loves to have fun with this
segment of the class and will make it as challenging as his group of
students can handle. No need to fear getting lost or left behind because
David will repeat and drill each step (shine) until he is personally
satisfied that every person in his group can run with the rest of the
pack. By the end of the first hour students have worked up a damn good
sweat and are ready for a well-deserved water break.
David's style in a nutshell
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